Friday, December 18, 2009

Cara Daftar ke 10 Bux, untung $0,01 perklik

Cara Daftar ke 10 Bux, untung $0,01 perklik
Mau daftar ke 10bux tapi ga tau caranya? Mau untung $0.01 per klik iklan? Banyak yg sebenarnya mau daftar ke sana, tapi ga tau bagaimana mendaftar ke sana. Mari saya kasih tau. Berikut ini langkah2 mudahnya:

Klik di menu Register. Setelah itu akan muncul beberapa kolom penting yang wajib diisi. Beberapa kolom tsb diantaranya adalah: username, email, password, confirm password, country, referrer. Setelah selesai mengisikan semua kolom penting, silahkan klik di Become A 10bux.Net Member.
Isilah username dengan apapun yang anda inginkan. Sebaiknya username tersebut sudah fasih dengan anda. Kemudian di kolom Password juga begitu, lebih baik samakan saja dgn password emailmu. Lalu di kolom Confirm Password, tetap isikan password yang sama dengan yg barusan anda isi. Untuk Country tentunya sudah tau, pilih Indonesia jika memang saat ini berdomisili di Indonesia. Tetapi jika skrg lagi menetap di luar negeri, isikan yang benar saja karena website mereka mampu deteksi di mana tepatnya kita berada skrg. Untuk bagian kolom Referrer itu juga amat penting, isikan ivbsav sebagai sandi dari saya. Dengan mengisikan ivbsav berarti 10bux akan tau bahwa saya yang mereferensikan anda untuk bergabung.

Begini skema dari pendapatan yang mungkin diterima:
Earnings Example
» You click 10 ads per day = $0.10
» 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00
» Your daily earnings = $2.10
» Your weekly earnings = $14.70
» Your monthly earnings = $63.00

How to Stay Focused on Your Home Business Goals

How to Stay Focused on Your Home Business Goals

When you are the owner of a home business, you will find
hundreds of distractions that vie for your time, energy and

Common distractions include: children, family, friends,
neighbors, pets, phone calls, mail, household chores, video
games, television, neighborhood children, visitors, and so many

As an owner of a home based business, you must always remember
your purpose in bringing your profession home. What was your
reason for wanting to own a home business? Was your goal to work
from home so that you can share in the lives of your children?
Was your goal to be out from under the rule of a tyrannical
boss? Was your goal to have the freedom to work when it is
convenient for you? Was your goal to make tons of money working
for yourself?

Here`s a few good tips that will help you stay focused on your
home business:

TIP #1:
Whatever your reason for going out on your own, you must keep
your reason in the forefront of your mind. If you forget your
reason for starting your own home business, you will not be
working for yourself for long. It is far too easy to let
circumstance drive your activities --- and when circumstance is
in the driver`s seat, you are more likely to crash and burn.

TIP #2:
Remember --- your own business is a lot like a real job. Some
people go to work to play, some go to socialize, and others ---
most often those who are paid in a commission or tip environment
--- go to work to work and to make money. When you work for
yourself, your salary is directly proportional to your
productivity. Therefore, wouldn`t it make sense to stay focused
on getting as much done in as short of a period as possible?

Go to work to work and to make money. Leave playtime and
recreation for when your workday has ended.

TIP #3:
When you are dealing with family in the course of your workday,
it is important to schedule your activities as much as possible.
With small children, you must take time when you must, but you
should also work hard to make sure you dedicate a specific
number of hours to your workday.

With older children, it is much easier to tell them that you
will be working between the hours of x and y. Your children and
your friends must understand that certain hours of your day are
devoted to the activities of your business.

TIP #4:
Don`t permit your friends and extended family to run over you.
Many people get the blind idea that if one works from home then
they are not actually working.

Well-meaning people may try to fill your doorway to bring advice
about getting a real job. Others may simply believe that if you
are at home, then you are fair game for chitchat and

You must stand firm. You must make certain your friends and
family understands that when you are working, then you ARE
working! If they wish to socialize with you, then they need to
do it during the hours that are not dedicated to your home

You are the only one who can stand up for you. Your friends and
family will seldom be able to appreciate your dedication to your
home business, unless you make the effort to make sure that they
have the same respect for your business that you do.

TIP #5:
You should allot a certain portion of your day to email and to
regular mail. For example, allot one hour in the morning and one
hour in the afternoon to handling your written communications.

Unless you dedicate certain times to the handling of these
communications, you will soon find yourself on the downward
slope of decreased productivity.

TIP #6:
When you find yourself spending too much time doing
non-productive activities, then you should seriously consider
finding a third-party service provider who will assist you in
those non-profitable business activities.

As an example, you might be in the mail-order business. You
might believe that your time is best spent writing ad copy and
setting up your advertising, but you find yourself spending far
too much time taking care of your books to take care of your
advertising in the manner that you should. In this event, it
might make more sense to hire a bookkeeper to handle your
financial records for you.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Banyak Kawan

4 TIP Banyak kawan

Bagaimana anda bisa memiliki kawan yang banyak serta dapat curhat berbagai masalah yang belum anda tahu? Ikuti sedikit tip ini :
1. Bergabunglah dengan berbagai perkumpulan, forum, facebook, mailing, arisan dll
2. Berilah komentar pada artikel maupun blog yang anda temui
3. Bagilah pengetahuan anda tentang ilmu apa saja yang anda miliki
4. Ikuti acara-acara tertentu yang bisa menambah pengetahuan anda misalnya seminar dll.